Since its inception in 1970, the non-profit Community Crisis Services, Inc. has become a one-stop calling center for information and compassionate assistance for those in crisis. Calling the Hotline is often the first step an individual makes to access the mental health services and social service organizations within the community. We are here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for anyone facing crisis and personal turmoil.
Our vision is to provide compassionate crisis support through our hotline, safe shelter programs and information and referral services.
What is a Shelter Hosting Site
The Hypothermia/Hyperthermia Program is a faith-based emergency shelter program. It rotates weekly to faith based organizations throughout Prince George’s County. Homeless women, children and men are sheltered from 6:30 PM until 7:00 AM. The Prince George’s County Department of Social Services contracted vendor is Community Crisis Services, Inc. (CCSI).
Paid staff or trained volunteers are provided for the entire 12-hour period. Staff includes the Shelter Manager, Asst. Shelter Coordinator, shelter support workers, case manager and van drivers. Staff will register guests, coordinate services, and handle emergencies that may arise. Case manager provides intensive case management including linkage to and drop off sites for medical and mental health providers. Van drivers provide guest transportation from designated pick up locations.
Provide your facility for use of shelter purpose only. You may also ask other churches to join with you to assist with meals and/or other services.
Your donation could literally assist a family with things such as first month’s rent in a new home, safe from abuse; as well as, transportation assistance or a job interview and much more.
With your donation you could improve the lives of millions – in your own backyard and in communities around the nation.
Since its inception in 1970, the non-profit Community Crisis Services, Inc. has become a one-stop calling center for information and compassionate assistance for those in crisis. We are here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for anyone facing crisis and personal turmoil.